Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Guest Lecture 6 - Fri Dec 9 - David Kjelkerud

Guest lecturer: David Kjelkerud, former KTH student and co-founder of Readmill
Title: How we built Readmill
Time: Friday December 9 at 10-12
Place: Lecture hall V3

David will talk about the lessons learned from having worked for a year on building Readmill - a social reading platform for communities of readers. David will discuss some of the challenges Readmill has faced when designing a niche social service around books - a medium and an activity that people mostly think of as solitary. David will also present a mixed bag of interface nerdery as well as reflections on social interaction design and hacker culture values, principles and practices. Finally David will explain why Apple in fact (still) is an 80's company.

Please see Tessa's earlier blog post about the future of books as well as my comment/link to a 4-minute interview with David's partner and Readmill co-founder Henrik Berggren.

[Please take a moment to think about these issues. What do you imagine or expect David to talk about? Can you in advance think of a question you would like to pose? / Daniel]

About David:
David is a designer/engineer who has been schooled in Media Technology and HCI at KTH. After graduating, he worked as a researcher and freelancer for agencies and big companies. When he got tired of that, he moved to Berlin and started his own company in order to build the future of connected books.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Hanging up your posters and presenting them

Hanging up your posters
I talked to the printshop this morning. They had received 9 pdf documents. There was a problem with one but I talked to a group member who said he would fix it.

Miyabi will pick up all the posters tomorrow. She will put them somewhere in "Torget" (house D, top floor) before lunch (12.00 at the latest). Each group will have to go there and hang their own poster up. Do feel free to move around the screens where you will hang the posters - please have in mind that 50 persons will move around in the room and look at them!

Poster session
Based on some feedback from last year, this is how we'll do it this time around.

- We walk around the room and listen to each group shortly present their poster (3-4 minutes per group).
- We have some "free time" to move around and have a second look at posters (and time to ask questions too).
- We finish we a short summing-up

Friday, December 2, 2011

Important info about your posters (some additional info)

I have talked to the printshop. They:
1) need your posters by Sunday (late is ok) and
2) will start to work on them first thing in the morning on Monday and
3) Miyabi will pick them up on Tuesday before lunch.

There is thus no margin of error and you have to send them exactly what they need/ask for. So, I called them and these are the top three things you need to think about:

1) You have to send a pdf document (no other format will do!).

2) The resolution should be at least 150 dpi for it to look good when they print it (higher is ok, lower is not so ok - they will print it but it will have effects on the quality of the end product!).

3) The size of the poster is 70*100 and you should aim for that and nothing else! They don't have time to fix things if you send them a document with other proportions!

NOTE: Two groups have already sent posters; Leonore's was fine, but Charles' had the wrong proportions (420*594) and was returned!

- Note: Special fonts must be included in the file - they might exist in your computer but the printer might not have them.

Here is a repetition of some info from the previous blog post:

- Send your file to klasse(at) on Sunday at the latest. It is important that they have all the posters when they get to their jobs on Monday morning.

- IMPORTANT: write "KTH" in the subject line of your e-mail!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Welcome to the future!


You are all cordially invited to attend the final presentation in the 5th year/2nd year masters' students project course Future of Media Friday December 9 from 13.00-16.00 in lecture hall F2.

This year's theme for the course is "Future of Radio/Radio of the Future" and the students have worked with this course and the theme during the whole autumn. No less that 11 project groups will report on their results in the form of 10-minute long presentations that often include multimedia support (movies, radio, screen shots of prototypes etc.).

Almost all of you will take the course "DM2571 Future of Media" next year. Earlier themes have been for example "Future of the Book", "Future of TV", "Future of Computer games" and "Future of Music".

More information is available at this website. Do note that all younger students in the (Swedish-language) Media Technology Program have to come to this presentation. The lecture hall F2 (238 seats) might become full, so please register for the event (at the bottom of the page) and come early to make sure you get good seats!

Why should you go?
1) You will take the course yourselves next year and listening to the final presentations is the very best information about the course and what will be expected of you next year.
2) Around 10 of your classmates in this course have worked with the Future of Radio/Radio of the Future - go see what they have to present!
3) A lot of work has been put into these presentations. Watching them live for sure beats sitting home checking out YouTube videos posted to!
4) This is the closest thing to an end-of-the-year ceremony that we have. Do take the opportunity to go to the presentations together - and perhaps continue somewhere else for a final get-together with your classmates over a beer afterwards? (I'll come too if someone posts info about time and place.)


Daniel Pargman & Åke Walldius

Seminar assignment 7 (deadline Dec 4)

Sorry for this assignment being slightly late. I had some pretty serious deadlines in my other course which required all my time in the weekend and the beginning of this week.

Seminar assignment 7 is the last assignment. We have chosen to "kidnap" the assignment and have it partly tie back to Pernilla's guest lecture about using social media in higher education.

Each assignment can be regarded as an exam question that will be graded separately. Do note that we will have no final exam or home exam in the course, but this assignment is in fact based on two of the questions in last year's home exam.

Right now, you can find the following documents in Bilda (Documents/Seminar assignments):
- The seminar 7 assignment (instructions)
- The seminar 7 assignment template - download and use it when you write your assignment - DO NOTE that this is a new template that you have to use for this assignment!