Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Seminar assignment 3 (deadline Nov 7)

Lecture 2 (Wed Nov 3) as well as seminar assignment 3 (Tue-Wed Nov 8-9) will be based on the first part of Benkler's book (chapters 1-4). This part of the book is, truth be told, rather dry and probably the heaviest (most difficult) part of the book.

Each assignment can be regarded as an exam question that will be graded separately. Do note that we will have no final exam or home exam in the course.

Right now, you can find the following documents in Bilda (Documents/Seminar assignments):
- The seminar 3 assignment (instructions)
- The seminar assignment template - download and use it when you write your assignment
- Three examples of good assignments written by students last year (the seminar assignment was almost identical). Read one or read all three to get inspiration and ideas of what kinds of texts are appreciated and rewarded.

Just as last year, seminar assignment texts will be judged/graded based on:
  • Quality/uniqueness of ideas (25%)
    • Are interesting insights and reflections presented?
    • Does the student go beyond repeating what is written in the course literature in an attempt to apply the literature?
    • Does the basic premise of the text raise the pulse of the reader?
  • Quality of analysis, reflection and execution (25%)
    • What is made of the idea presented (above)?
    • To define, explain, exemplify and quote is fine. To also be able to analyze and reflect by (for example) identifying, categorizing, relating, differentiating, contrasting, combining, modifying and concluding is even better.
    • Are ideas and insights presented in a coherent way, are the steps in the underlying reasoning process logical and clear (or is the text and the reasoning process difficult to understand, are there blanks that need to be filled)?
  • (Relevant) use of course literature and other sources (25%)
    • Does the text demonstrate that (as a starting point) the course literature has been read and is understood?
    • Is the course literature and possibly other sources (including own/personal experiences) integrated and skillfully used in the text?
  • Quality of language (25%)
    • Does the text flow effortlessly?
    • Is the text easy to understand and has few linguistic errors, or does it require effort to understand the language in order to get to the the underlying ideas?
A suggestion is that you download and read the instructions as soon as possible and keep them at hand when you read the literature (Benkler).


  1. Is it possible to write the texts in Swedish?

  2. No, sorry, it isn't. Which I said to you and everyone else at the lecture about half an hour after you posted this!

  3. Hi,
    I can't find the three examples from last year.
    Are they not yet uploaded or somewhere else then "documents/seminar assignments" ?

  4. That's strange, but, you are right. I have uploaded them "again" (?).

    They are right next to the seminar assignment now (Bilda/Documents/Seminar assignments; "Seminar 3 Hagerklo", "Seminar 3 Kuntner" and "Seminar 3 Martin".

  5. Is it necessary for the seminar question to be connected with the topic which is discussed in the assignment?

  6. I have to say "yes". No matter how interesting a question is in itself, it it doesn't in some way relate to this week's theme, it will most probably get "sidelined" (not discussed) and I don't see much use of the question then.

    You can perhaps "save" your question to a later seminar, or, rewrite the question (and perhaps your assignment) so that it *does* relate to this week's topic?

  7. How many seminars are we going to do in this course? I can't find that information about that at the course web. Are all seminars assignments going to be about reading text from the book and write a text about it and then discuss it at the seminar?

    It would be nice if got reading instructions some days in advance (if possible), so that we can plan our reading.

  8. Do we get less points if the assignment is too long?

  9. I am in the C group, I have another lecture tomorrow morning, so can I attend the Nov.9 seminar?

  10. Johan: 6 seminars (the first was Pecha Kucha last week). Yes, the format will basically be same for the remaining seminars. The reading instructions will be given before or at the day of my Wednesday lecture at the latest.

    Daniel: Probably not, depends on exactly *how* much longer it is.

    Yuanhui: Yes. If you are in group C (my group), you should join group A (my group). Do note that all groups have the same deadline.

  11. The reading instructions will be given before or at the day of my Wednesday lecture at the latest. You will have the rest of the week (Wed-Fri) to read/work on the assignment + weekend if needed (deadlines will be the day before the first (Monday) seminars, i.e. generally Sunday evening - with the exception of today.

    For further information, please read:
