Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Guest Lecture 5 - Fri Dec 2 - Therese Reuterswärd

Guest lecturer: Therese Reuterswärd, Online Market Manager at Scandic Hotels
Title: Relationship marketing through social media
Time: Friday December 2 at 10-12
Place: Lecture hall K2

Therese's presentation will emphasize what the shift from broadcast media to social media actually means for businesses. She will show examples of relationship marketing in daily work and talk about the types of challenges you will face when trying to make it all come together and put it all into action.

Additionally, Therese will touch on the tools and techniques behind it all; Klout score, Facebook Edgerank, Google+ and social shopping.

Some of the challenges Therese experienced last year (at last year's lecture in the course which was givet at a time when she worked for Electrolux) are summed up here [partly in Swedish and partly in English]. Therese welcomes feedback on her presentation-in-the-making ( and through twitter (@TrulyTherese).

[Please take a moment to think about these issues. What do you imagine or expect Therese to talk about? Can you in advance think of a question you would like to pose? / Daniel]

About Therese:
Therese graduated from KTH Media Technology in 2006. Her task at Scandic Hotels is to create strategies for generating traffic, converting it to business and at the same time maximize retention via online channels. Therese's focus is to, at every digital touchpoint, adapt timing, placement and marketing content to fit consumers' behaviors and needs. Specifically, Therese is responsible for e-commerce, web analytics, search engine marketing, PPC advertising, affiliates, digital partners, email marketing and (occasionally) social media.

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